Wednesday, November 24, 2010

7 First SEO Tricks for Bloggers

Search Engine Optimization is a very important and a very effective factor for every serious blogger and webmaster. You should know that I receive more than 80% of all traffic from Google – the most popular search engine on the internet. In this article, I will tell you which are the first and the most important SEO tricks for you.

I have write a couple of quality posts on this blog about SEO, you can see all of the in the special category, related only to this aspect – Search Engine Optimization.

Below, You will find the most important first-steps in SEO development.

1. The Most Important Thing – Content

When it comes to Search Engine Optimization on a blog, the quality content is the most important factor. Creating a good and quality article is the most important thing for SEO of your blog.
Quality content that helps people will draw much more visitors than any other developed content. Search engines today are smart enough to recognize is that content is helpful or not.

2. Content Titles

Title tags are very important in SEO. Most search engines (specially Google), pays specific attention when it comes to the content titles in the general. Be sure to include all below elements in your content title:
  • Keywords – It is important to place your targeted keywords in your own content title. This is a very important element because most search engines would know how to work with them correctly.
  • Quality of Titles – Try to put most effective and descriptive titles for your blog contents. Developing a quality content may draw more readers to your blog from the search engines.
  • Do not lie! – Today, search engines are smart enough to discover which titles are not related to the specific content. A very important element here is not to lie to your potential readers!

3. Potential Readers Needs

A very important factor in SEO of your blog is to discover what your potential readers might expect you to write for them on your own blog. Discovering a good and quality needs of your visitors can drastically improve your content and blog quality in general.

Once you know which kind of keywords they tend to search on the internet, you are in the good position to get more and more visitors for that keyword from the search engines.

4. Keywords in the Content

If you want to successfully optimize your article for the Google (and other search engines), you might include your primary keywords in your contents too. It is a very recommended to place your targeted keywords in the sub-heading tags using <h> tags in your post.

Also, you might use a keywords in your image alt tags to improve traffic from search engines. Do not place too much keywords, but use them as you might using them in your natural content.

5. Link Building

Links from other blogs and websites on the internet are very important when it comes to SEO development. One-way links to your blog might be hard to get, but they are very crucial for your SEO quality and overall traffic (ranking) of your blog. Making a better rank, your site may rise on the search engine results page.

Start with connecting your other websites or places on the internet with a link to your blog. You can do that in many places like on Forum boards, Twitter account, MySpace, Facebook… Also, if you tend to comment on other blogs, do not forget to place a link to your blog in the comment.

You should care to place a links only to no-follow places. Unfortunately, most internet websites and services actually have this attribute checked, making your site not-followed by search engines.

6. Link to your Posts

Do not over do with linking to your own posts on your blog pages. Link to your own posts can automatically improve your visitors loyalty and performances on your blog. Making them to browse all way through your blog from the single post. You should keep your links as much related they can get to get the maximum effect.

Include links to your key posts in your sidebar and a blog homepage can improve your post effect. Just make sure not to post too much own links in your contents.

7. Power Plug-ins

There are many plug-ins and third-party software releases that can improve your blog SEO rating in general. These plugins will help you to improve SEO of your blog easily and for free. I have created one good and free e-book that will help you to find the most appropriate SEO plug-ins for WordPress blogging system.

There are some similar plugins and addons for most self-hosted blogging systems on the internet. Unfortunately, they are not available for the Blogspot or similar free-hosted types of blogs.

Advanced Search Engine Techniques

I have spent more than two years of active blogging and I can tell you why SEO is important and what differences it may apply on your blog or a website. Most webmasters and bloggers try to overload search engines with un-necessary information and data, but they do not have a good and quality content to cover all that up.

I have say couple of times on this post that “search engines are smart enough”, well, they really are. Think about Google, the most popular search engine on the internet. They already own a couple of quality services that may help them to discover which contents are quality, and which are not like: FeedBurner, Google Reader, Gmail, Google Analytics, YouTube and other services helping them to gather the most quality data and information.

Today, many traditional SEO methods are much less important then they where a couple of years ago. I can say for sure that today, the most important factor is to create and develop a quality article – there is no better way to get better rankings on search engines other this way.

Maybe we are entering in the SEO 2.0 era? I will write about that in one of my future posts for sure.

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Top 20 SEO Tips and Tricks for Bloggers

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a technique to convert your ordinary one into SEO Optimized blog. With SEO optimized blog, you will surely perform better on across all search engines. In today’s post, I’m going to mention 20 SEO tips and tricks that you should follow and implement on your blog to make it Search Engine friendly. And when you have gone through all of 20 seo tips, don’t forget to mention the tips that you already are deploying on your blog and also mention the tips you will be adding on your blog in the coming days to make your blog more SEO friendly in the comments section at the end of this post. SEO Tips for Bloggers

1. SEO Optimized Blog Address

When you are choosing address for your blog whether you are creating it on self-hosting or free blogs should consist of main keywords in your niche as part of your blog address.

2. Proper Title and Description

Once you have chosen an SEO optimized address for your blog, next step will be creating keyword rich and sensible title and description for your blog. It’s you blog title and description, which is shown in search engine as your listing with your blog URL. So people will mostly decide whether to click on your blog listing or not, after going through your blog title and description.

3. Must have About Page

Make sure your blog has a working About page. Lots of bloggers have an empty About Page, which leaves a bad impression to their blog readers. So you should have an active About Page and should contain important in formations like what this blog is all about, people behind this blog and all.

4. Study your Competitors Blog

Make a list of top 15-20 competitors blogs in your niche and analyze what they are doing to get into top rankings into search engines. You should closely monitor how frequently they are updating their blog, their activities on social networks, what kind of content they are putting on their own and other blogs and websites in your niche. You should also monitor what they are doing to get quality links for promoting their blog pages.

5. SEO Optimized Themes

You are making search on Internet while selecting a theme or template for your blog, make sure you chose a SEO Optimized blog theme. Theme that you select for your blog whether its a free or paid, should load faster, compatible with all major browsers and has valid W3C-Compliant Code.

6. Permalink Structure

Make sure you chose a seo optimized URL structure for your blog posts. Avoid using blog post urls like and try to include your main keywords into your blog post url. Also avoid using unnecessary directories like day, month, year etc as part of your blog URL. An SEO Optimized URL should look like You can think of using category name as part of your blog post address.

7. Create Sitemaps for your blog

You should create HTML and XML sitemaps for your blog. We use Sitemaps for faster crawling of our blog content. So it will be beneficial to submit your XML sitemap to Google through Google Webmaster tool once you have created it. If you don’t know how to create XML sitemap for your blog, there are lots of website that can do it for you free of cost. So just goggle for create XML sitemap. And if you are running a WordPress blog, there are some plugin that will create XML sitemap of your blog automatically.

8. Using Alt text for all images

Don’t forget to include alt text with all images that you use as part of your blog posts. And when creating names for your image, use SEO optimized names for your image and if possible use small size images to make your blog loading speed faster as page loan speed is also one of ranking factor on Google these days. So it is beneficial from seo prospective using small size, seo optimized named images with proper alt text when using on your blog.

9. Using Breadcrumbs navigation

Its great to have Breadcrumbs implemented on your blog as that would help you in promoting your blog in search engines and also good from your blog readers experience. You will surely get some plugin if you want to implement Breadcrumbs navigation into your WordPress blog. And if you have doubts about Breadcrumbs navigation, please refer to this page from Wikipedia

10. Use headings and other styles in your blog posts

I would recommend using heading tags and other tags like bold, strong, italic, ordered list, unordered list etc to make your blog content impressive and search engine friendly.

11. Social media links/icons integration

Don’t forget to include links and icons promoting your blog readers to submit their favorite posts from your blog on social networks where they are active. This way you will be able to get some traffic, buzz and valuable links from social networks for your blog. Some of popular social media networks worth mentioning on your blog are Facebook Share, Twitter Retweet, Digg it, Delicious Save, StumbleUpon share etc.

12. Use Pinging websites

It is advised to notify all pinging websites about the publication of new content on your blog. With this, search engine bots will be able to know the appearance of new content on your blog and thus will help in faster crawling of your content. Lots of blog engines like WordPress will send notification of all major pinging websites automatically. So you should not worry much about Pinging if you are using WordPress blogging engine on your blog. You can use Ping-O-Matic website to notify search engines about the latest update on your blog manually.

13. Using Robots.txt file

I would recommend using this file to block search engine access to certain directories. You can think of blocking certain directories in your blog as a mean to avoid duplication of content within blog and as additional security and privacy measure.

14. Interlink your blog posts

It is an ideal approach to interlink your blog posts where they look natural. You will be able to get some valuable links for your important blog posts by doing the interlinking process on regular basis. There are some plugin available if you are running a WordPress blog, which will help you add some related posts towards the end of current post. With some blogging engines like, you have to do it manually.

15. Doing guest blogging

Create a list of blogs in your niche that accept guest posts and start communicating with those bloggers. Once some of bloggers allow you for guest blogging, start sending your quality guest posts to them. This way, you will be able to get targeted links and traffic for your blog. You will enjoy higher page rank and better search engine rankings when you have achieved links from top blogs in your niche.

16. Links within blogroll

It is advised to create a big list of blogs in your niche and contact them showing your intend for link exchange in blogroll. But before doing this practice, I would suggest build some reputation for your blog. No one would love to do any kind of partnership with new blogs. So you will surely get lots of bloggers interested in exchanging links with you once you have got certain level of authority in your niche.

17. Links within Content

Although links within also helps in search engine rankings, but you will get maximum benefit when gets contextual links from other blogs and websites in your niche. So you can think of approaching some blogs for exchange of links with each other blog posts.

18. Allow others to guest blog

As we know content is king when you talk about getting higher rankings in search engines. So it is advisable to allow content coming on your blog from all means. One of medium by which you can get additional content on your blog is giving your blog readers the facility to write quality guest posts on your blog. You can submit guest posts on my blog here.

19. Link out to other blogs

It is a good habit to link out to other blogs in your niche wherever they make sense. It looks spammy when we link out to our own websites in your blog posts. So it is good from seo prospective to link out to other website and blog pages within your blog posts as that will help you build a stronger outbound linking profile for your blog.

20. Being active on Social networks

It’s a good practice to be active on all major social networks. You should aim at creating an active presence on Twitter, Facebook and other social networks.
These were the 20 tips I find worth mentioning here. Are you a SEO expert and have something more to add, please share in the comments section below. Keep on reading my blog for more valuable seo tips and blog tips.

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